At mybouteek, we’re committed to providing a fair and transparent marketplace for our sellers. This Seller Policy outlines the terms and conditions for selling on our platform.

1. Eligibility

  • To become a seller on mybouteek, you must be at least 18 years old and have a valid business or personal email address.
  • We reserve the right to verify your identity and business information at any time.

2. Product Listing

  • Sellers are responsible for accurately describing their products, including materials, dimensions, and condition.
  • Product listings must include clear, high-quality images and comply with our content guidelines.

3. Pricing and Payment

  • Sellers set their own prices, but must comply with our pricing policies.
  • mybouteek charges a commission fee on every sale, which will be deducted from the sale price.

4. Shipping and Delivery

  • Sellers are responsible for shipping products to customers in a timely manner.
  • Shipping costs and delivery times must be clearly stated in the product listing.

5. Returns and Refunds

  • Sellers must have a clear return and refund policy, which must be stated in the product listing.
  • mybouteek reserves the right to mediate disputes between buyers and sellers.

6. Intellectual Property

  • Sellers must ensure they have the necessary permissions or licenses to sell copyrighted or trademarked products.

7. Prohibited Products

  • mybouteek prohibits the sale of certain products, including but not limited to:
    • Counterfeit or pirated goods
    • Hazardous materials
    • Restricted or regulated products

8. Termination

  • mybouteek reserves the right to terminate any seller account at any time for violating our policies or terms.

9. Contact Us

By selling on mybouteek, you agree to abide by this Seller Policy and our Terms of Use.